Easy & Quick Online Registration!

Our online registration form below enables you to sign your child up for a class at your convenience.

Please fill out the information and select “submit” to send the registration to Gina’s Tennis World. For more information on each class, see Class Descriptions.

Thank you!
Gina Genovese


Fall Junior Registration Form

To register your child or children for a class, please fill out the form below. Please select the desired class for each child.

Payment now available via Venmo* as well as cash or check.

Use @Gina-Genovese-6 to pay using Venmo.

*Get the app at Venmo.com

Parent Information

Student Information

Terms and Conditions

  1. You are responsible for attending all the classes at their regularly scheduled times.
  2. Please notify us If you are unable to attend so we can adjust the class lesson plan.
  3. We appreciate your understanding that we cannot provide make-up classes for missed classes.
